视觉 & 表演艺术系

The 视觉 and 表演艺术 are characterized by a rich and active 历史 at 博彩网址大全学校. 我们相信艺术是我们生活中必不可少的元素. 为了便于理解, 我们将继续利用我们周围所有丰富的资源. 这样做的时候, we hope to build a positive sense of “place” for the 艺术 in the students’ daily lives both now and as adults. 作为一个部门, we hope to instill an appreciation of the arts by building a stronger sense of self through awareness, 放松, 表达和自信. 作为人类,我们永远被艺术和敢于创造的艺术家所丰富.

视觉艺术专业的学生经常有机会展示他们的作品, 无论是在我们的校园画廊(霍顿大厅的日光浴室)或其他本地画廊. 表演艺术学生分享他们的项目, 他们的声音, 以及他们与博彩网址大全社区在全年各种展览中的场景. Students with an interest in applying their performing skills to theatrical production have the opportunity to join 博彩网址大全剧院.

This course serves as a full-year introduction to photography as a fine arts medium with a focus on black & 白色35mm胶片拍摄、冲洗、打印. 本课程通过演示强调摄影的技术方面, 阅读, 以及实践经验. 对摄影感兴趣的高中学生开放.

This full-year introductory course focuses on the practical operation and creative possibilities of digital photography and video using a Digital SLR. 本课程探讨数字捕捉, 使用Adobe Photoshop进行计算机编辑, 以及使用专业爱普生打印机的输出技术. Students should have a digital camera with manual capabilities which will shoot stills and video. 对摄影感兴趣的高中学生开放.

This course combines the skills learned in Photo I and Media arts and moves students to the advanced mechanics and aesthetics of digital and 35 mm photography digital imaging skills and output techniques. Open to the 上学校 students who have successfully passed 摄影 and/or 媒体艺术I.

本课程允许学生考察工作室艺术的主要概念. 他们从绘画开始,然后继续探索绘画, 版画, 以及他们选择的各种其他媒体. 同时学习和提高他们的技术技能, 他们还将学习直线的概念, 空间关系, 创造性表达. 学生将从艺术的基石(绘画)到版画的进步. 对绘画或绘画感兴趣的高年级学生开放.

工作室艺术II allows students to continue to develop the skills gained in 工作室艺术I and move on to generating pieces that reflect their personal creative style. 可能的介质包括丙烯酸, 水彩, 蛋彩画, 还有版画, 卷纬, 蜡染, 和拼贴画. 对绘画或绘画感兴趣的高年级学生开放 who have completed 工作室艺术I.

陶瓷 is a full-year course designed to develop the students’ interest and skills in the creation of ceramic arts, 包括从构思到烧制的艺术过程. Students will also discover major artists and explore how their work influenced the 历史 of ceramic arts. 对陶瓷感兴趣的高中学生开放.

The AP Art and Design course is designed as an advanced investigation into art making that will result in a comprehensive original portfolio of artwork that can be used for the college application, 并将提交给大学理事会进行审查. 在本课程中, students will develop a portfolio that consists of two sections – Selected Work and Sustained Investigation, 在绘图或二维设计的主题. 该作品集将展示对四种技能类别的掌握-探究 & 调查、实践、实验 & 修订,沟通和反思. 除了完成一个高级艺术作品集, 学生们将调查未来的艺术职业, 研究未来的学院和大学, 并准备大学申请,以实现他们理想的高等教育前景.

本课程概述了用于传递信息的工具和技术, 销售产品, 提高意识, 通过视觉手段. Students will apply foundational graphic design principles to digital image-making applications, 数码插图, 布局设计, 使用行业标准的平面设计软件. 学生还将利用五阶段设计过程(发现), 解释, 意念, 实验, 与进化), 是什么让设计思维付诸行动. 学生将运用各种来源的想法, 包括艺术/设计理论, 历史, 和更多的, 以期对当代文化中的形象有更深入的了解.

This course enables students to create and modify illustrations and scanned images using the desktop computer as an electronic drawing tool. 学生将探索图像增强, 合成和照片修复技术, vector and raster image-making approaches and industry-standard technologies to create commercial art studies and original illustrations. Upon completion of this course students will have curated a personalized portfolio of 数码插图s and electronic artwork. 可通过萨福克县社区学院灯塔计划获得大学学分.

This course focuses on the practical operation and creative possibilities of digital photography and video using a Digital SLR. 本课程探讨数字捕捉, 使用Adobe Photoshop进行计算机编辑, 以及使用专业爱普生打印机的输出技术. Students should have a digital camera with manual capabilities which will shoot stills and video. 可通过萨福克县社区学院灯塔计划获得大学学分.

本课程旨在培养学生对声乐表演艺术的理解, 尤其是作为唱诗班. 本课程的学生将探索不同时期的声乐, 风格, 和文化, and develop an understanding of the original social and cultural context for each piece of music studied. 他们努力发展他们的视觉歌唱能力, 建立在音乐理论的坚实基础上, 通过对视唱的研究. Students also build confidence in their skills through regular performances at school events and at each semester recital. 开放给高年级学生与唱歌的兴趣和匹配音高的能力.

This smaller singing ensemble is hand-selected by the 唱诗班 Director and consists of an elite group of vocalists who wish to pursue studies in vocal music and/or performance.

Theatre is a full-year course designed to develop students’ understanding of the various arts involved in the creation and production of theatre. 戏剧专业的学生探索与表演艺术相关的工艺, 剧本创作, 设计, 和导演. Students develop their understanding of the business of theatre and the variety of jobs available to those who have a passion for theatre and theatrical production. Students present their work at each trimester recital and attend two professional theatre productions. Open to 上学校 students with an interest in theatre; preference given to students in grades 11 and 12.

This full-year course is designed for those students who have successfully completed 戏我 and who may wish to pursue studies in theatre and performance at the University level.

编剧才能 is a full-year course that introduces students to the theatrical arts associated with the technical elements of production, 包括风景, 服装, and lighting design; set construction and painting; lighting hanging, 聚焦, and gelling; and 服装 construction and alteration. 学生学习创建场景模型, 地面的计划, 和前立面, provide technical support for 博彩网址大全剧院 productions and serve as technicians when appropriate for school events. 学生还可以参加两场专业戏剧演出. 对后台工作感兴趣的高年级学生开放, 包括使用电动工具, 电脑, 照明设备.

在这个全年的课程中, 学生将研究定义风格的音乐的各个方面, 类型, 并且学习和发展词汇来讨论它们.

This is a full-year course designed to prepare students for the Advanced Placement exam in Music Theory. Students will challenge themselves to develop a keen awareness of musical techniques present in significant works of the major musical periods and 类型s. Open to 上学校 students in grades 11 and 12 who sing and/or play an instrument; placement at the discretion of the Chair of the 视觉 and 表演艺术系.

Private lessons in voice and any musical instrument requested can be arranged at an additional fee. Students receive a private lesson during the class day once a week throughout the school year. 私人音乐课没有学分.



M.F.A.,吸引了 & 雕塑-普拉特研究所

Karyn Cernera-Bush

视觉主席 & 表演艺术


M.F.A. 长岛大学美术专业


摄影 & 媒体艺术教师


M.A.,戏剧艺术-长岛大学C.W. 帖子



Andreika Eikerenkoetter-Horne


Andreika Eikerenkoetter-Horne
