
博彩网址大全明白STEM(科学)的价值, 技术, 工程, 和数学)学科为我们未来的领导者提供了帮助.  Our state-of-the-art STEM lab is a gathering place for students to explore technology, 计算机科学, 和工程.  Students can choose from a full course offering of hands-on and engaging classes ranging from 机器人 to 3D design and drafting, 甚至自己制造电脑!



This project-driven and research-based exploratory course introduces 中学 students to various topics in the field of STEM. In this hands-on course, students will learn to 工作 cooperatively to overcome various challenges.  Topics covered range from aviation and rocketry to reusable energy, 地质, 和天文学, 编程与计算机科学, 机器人, 3 d打印技术, 和更多的.  本课程为开放式学习课程, meaning while there are some designated topics for study throughout the year, students will be given the chance to determine additional topics which they want to learn.

3 d打印技术

3 d打印技术
The 3 d打印技术 course will provide students with the opportunity to use technology that is growing in the world around them. Students will gain an understanding of how these technologies can benefit us in our day-to-day lives. Students will explore a variety of 3D design software programs from free and web-based to industry standard and advanced software. The course will introduce students to elements of digital design and drafting, 几何, 以及如何使用和使用3D打印机.  要求:有专用显卡的Windows笔记本电脑优先


3D设计与制图 will provide students with the opportunity to expand their skills in 3D Design, 以及学习和使用应用几何. 学生将花时间学习几何, 几何结构, 和2D素描, 哪一个将引领3D设计. For the entirety of the course, students will be using Fusion 360 Software both in and out of class. 通过完成本课程, students will have the skills to 工作 in both large-scale and small-scale engineering through use of power tools, 硬件和3D打印机. 先决条件:成功完成几何和3D打印. 要求:带有专用显卡的Windows笔记本电脑


This course introduces students to the world of 机器人 and programming. 从机器人的历史开始, students come to an understanding of how robots function as an integral part of today’s society. 在我们的STEM实验室工作, students take a hands-on approach to the fundamentals of machine logic and automated problem solving with an emphasis on the basics of movement and physical interaction with the local environment. 要求:笔记本电脑(任何操作系统)


先进机器人进一步探索机器人装配, 架构和功能, 以及该领域的就业机会. Through understanding the diversity and power of each area of 机器人, students 工作 collaboratively in a competitive proposal-solution environment. 学习将是快节奏和动手, 以解决现实世界的问题为课程的中心. 先决条件:成功完成机器人导论. 要求:Windows或Mac笔记本电脑,不能使用chromebook或平板电脑


This class will introduce students to the world of Computer 科学, which includes an introduction to the history of computers and how computers 工作. 在这一年中, 学生将学习Python编程语言, which they will use to write their own programs and algorithms that they can take with them from class. 到今年年底, 学生将有编码基本功能的经验, 数据结构, 视觉效果, 图形界面.  要求:Windows或Mac笔记本电脑,不能使用chromebook或平板电脑


“计算机科学与工程导论” is a multifaceted course that is designed for students who are new to 计算机科学 and want to learn from scratch, as well as for students who are well versed in computers who want to expand their skills. 这门课将带领学生了解计算机的历史, 计算机的工程和部件以及它们是如何工作的, 以及软件和工作流程的基础知识. 这门课结束的时候, students will have built their own computers that they will have used throughout the course, 然后带回家保存. 要求:600美元材料费


高级计算机科学与工程 is a continuation of Introduction to Computer 科学. 希望继续深造的学生将继续深造, 而不是把电脑带回家, learn more about the advanced back-end functions and programming of their self-made computers in addition to how the internet 工作s, 如何建立关系网, and finish upgrading their computers before taking them home at the end of the year. Prerequisites: Successful completion of “计算机科学与工程导论”. 要求:Windows 10许可证费用.


在本课程中, 学生将发现并研究一个问题, 提出, 开发并执行解决方案, 然后设计, 构建并提出他们的解决方案. 学生将在STEAM中学习当前的主题, 参加圆桌讨论, 共同为给定的问题设计解决方案, 并理解设计效率的重要性. This course will prepare students for the rigors of college thesis and research courses which will require students to 工作 on their own or in groups with minimal teacher interaction.


AP计算机科学原理 introduces students to the breadth of the field of 计算机科学. 在本课程中, students will learn to design and evaluate solutions and to apply 计算机科学 to problem solving through the development of algorithms and programs. They will incorporate abstraction into programs and use data to discover new knowledge. Students will also explain how computing innovations and computing systems, 包括互联网, 工作, 探索它们的潜在影响, and contribute to a computing culture that is collaborative and ethical. Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least two of the following- 编程入门, 先进的机器人, 计算机科学与工程.


AP计算机科学A introduces students to 计算机科学 through programming. Fundamental topics in this course include the design of solutions to problems, 使用数据结构来组织大型数据集, the development and implementation of algorithms to process data and discover new information, 对潜在解决方案的分析, 以及计算系统对伦理和社会的影响. The course emphasizes object-oriented programming and design using the Java programming language. Prerequisites: Successful completion of 计算机科学与工程, AP计算机科学原理, 以及编程导论或高级机器人.

博彩网址大全学校 is the Oldest Established Boarding School on Long Island New York - NY - USA

Two touch screen-enabled devices allow students to interact with their 工作 in different ways.

博彩网址大全学校 is the Oldest Established Boarding School on Long Island New York - NY - USA
博彩网址大全学校 is the Oldest Established Boarding School on Long Island New York - NY - USA

Robotics enables our students to overcome challenges using hands-on approaches and creativity in their solutions.

博彩网址大全学校 is the Oldest Established Boarding School on Long Island New York - NY - USA

Students have access to four high-end 3D printers to bring concept and innovation to reality.

通过实践, 参与到课堂之外的活动中, 学生们逐渐认识到科学不仅仅是事实. ——弗吉尼亚·里卡尔迪,校长